What you'll learn

This course is designed to help brats and tops embrace the playfulness and creativity of bratting. This is not about “bad subs” and endless frustration, it’s about joyful rendezvous and never being bored!

  • Learn how to identify three characteristics of brats

  • Understand the key differences between brats and not-brats

  • How to identify personal boundaries, motivations, and desires for effective negotiation

  • How to design two strategies to address brat behavior

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Brats - A Deliciously Defiant way to Play

    • Brats! Who are you anyway?! (8:40)

    • Brats! Setting the Scene (9:06)

    • Enjoy Your Brat (7:22)

    • Your Feedback

Meet your educator

Certified Sex Coach

Dr. Celina Criss

I hold a PhD in Human Sexuality and am a Certified Sex Coach. By day, I am the Curriculum Director at Sex Coach U and run a private practice based at McArthur & McArthur Studios, a BDSM event location in the heart of Munich, Germany. By night (and whenever else I can get away with it) I am the collared brat of a rather demanding Dragon.


Dr Celina is a true professional

Lady Lust

Without her, we would have not had the opportunity to play as authentically as we try to do. She has gently led us into an unknown world so elegantly, with wisdom and with so much respect, that we deeply feel that this positive discovery, should be opened up to the vanilla world and beyond! Dr Celina is a true professional and her expertise is priceless!

Truly Delicious!

Messi Milo

What I especially greatly appreciated is the very safe atmosphere Dr Celina creates in which I could feel comfortable to speak openly and be accepted entirely as an individual (including my own boundaries). Celina's favourite word is "delicious" and let me say...Celina herself is truly delicious!